Introducing Business

Earn stable income – What type of Introducing Business are you?

You don’t need to be a trader to take advantage of the financial markets. Discover the skills you’ll need to start a successful Introducing Business. 

Whether you’re a trader or a novice to the world of trading, the financial markets can prove highly lucrative.   

Everyone has a Unique Selling Point (USP), understanding your unique skills will help you unlock your true potential.   

From Social Media Influencers skilled at swaying the opinions of others to Network Marketers who are great at reaching others, in this article, we’ll help you identify your unique talents and discover what type of Introducing Business (IB) you are!

Networking is key

The world is experiencing a freelancing and entrepreneurial boom, with millions working remotely and starting their own businesses. Even if you have no experience in the financial markets, you can still profit by referring others to an award-winning broker.  

Being an IB is an excellent way to generate a secondary, stable income stream; connect with clients and refer them to CMTrading. You’ll earn a commission based on the number of clients you refer and whenever they trade; the more you refer, the more you earn.

Unlocking your USP

When it comes to starting your own referral business, it is important to determine your USP, in this case identifying what kind of partner you are. This is crucial to helping you leverage your network and skills to generate more leads.    

Become your own boss – discover our amazing IB program today

Understanding the fundamentals of trading will go a long way to securing clients, yet the single most important skill you need to succeed in our Introducing Business program is networking

Become an IB in 3 easy steps: 

Sign up  

Complete our fast and secure application form.  


Receive your unique tracking link to get started.  


Track your referrals in real-time and begin earning rebates. 

5 types of IB

The most successful introducer is someone that can build a large network of clients and ultimately refer them to CMTrading while constantly expanding their network. If you’re a people person, you’ll be able to create meaningful relationships with others to build trust and grow your network.  

Do you enjoy meeting others online? Are you a trader who likes to network with others? A critical first step in becoming an IB is identifying your USP and how best to utilize it.

Below we list 5 different approaches to networking as an IB:  

1. Network Marketer

If you’re a social butterfly, being a network marketer is more your style; you are extremely sociable and love meeting new people. A network marketer is able to build their own network of potential clients and leverage those of others. This process could be lengthy but ultimately, you’re capable of referring many clients to CMTrading. This is a great approach if you’re new to trading.  

2. Trading Educator/Trainer

These are networkers that can use their experience in the financial markets to provide traders and investors with financial training. They do this by hosting webinars, online courses and offering trading tips and strategies. By partnering with CMTrading, you can extend your reach through our webinars and workshops and take your network to the next level.


3. Social Media Influencer

The world of social media has created a powerful marketing tool – the social influencer. These are individuals who have built a large following online and can sway others to follow you through social media. The bigger your following, the more sought-after your opinion. By leveraging a huge social following you can refer others to CMTrading and secure a stable income.  

4. Blogger/News provider 

Even if you don’t know how to trade but love financial news, you can still earn an income through online content. Creating economic and financial content is a fantastic way to reach others as unique content is always in demand. If you love writing and sharing content online this type of influencer could be you. 

5. Signal Provider

If you’re an experienced trader, you can build an extensive network by developing effective trading strategies and signals. Good trading strategies and advice are a highly sought-after commodity. If you have a large number of traders or investors already following your trades, this type of approach could prove highly lucrative simply by referring them to CMTrading. You’ve already done the hard work of building a network, now you can profit by referring your followers to an award-winning broker.

5. Wealth Manager

This type of approach is perfect for financial managers or those with experience in managing funds. Building this type of network requires you to work long-term with your client. You’re constantly seeking new channels and opportunities for your clients to invest in. By using the trust you’ve built and partnering with CMTrading, not only will your clients trade their way to success, but you’ll earn extra income each time they do so. 

Register and become an IB with CMTrading

Becoming an IB is an easy and exciting way to earn money – simply refer traders to CMTrading and let us do all the work! In return for referring clients to CMTrading, our IBs will receive a favorable commission.

So go ahead, start referring clients and earn money when they trade. It’s that simple! 


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