The 2020 pandemic has forever changed the business landscape. Yet out of adversity comes opportunity. Millions of people are realising their full potential by going into business for themselves. In this article we’ll show you just how easy it is to start your own business and highlight a unique opportunity for any would-be entrepreneurs out there with CMTrading Partners. What’s more, we’ll provide you with simple steps for creating your own business later in this article.
The entrepreneurial spirit burns brightly
Going into business for yourself can be a daunting prospect yet the opportunity to grab financial freedom is a thrilling opportunity millions are eager to enjoy. You might be thinking ‘surely, it’s safer to have a regular nine-to-five job’? Unfortunately, the pandemic exposed the fragility of the traditional workplace and thousands of companies were forced to close (some permanently), leaving millions unemployed. This left a gap for freelancers and entrepreneurs, two sectors that have exploded by 2022.
Important stats to know: Figures by
– There are 582 million entrepreneurs in the world
– The USA has 31 million entrepreneurs
– Nearly 5.4 million new businesses were created in the USA in 2021
– 67.7% of the world’s wealthiest people (a net worth of at least $30 million) are self-made
– 18.7% of global businesses are family-owned entrepreneurship
– 62% of all small businesses don’t hire employees.
These are incredible figures and show how resilient the human spirit can be when faced with adversity. So, what’s the easiest way to start your own business? By partnering with a reputable company focused on guiding you to success.
Earn a stable stream of income
Financial markets are a gateway to huge profits for traders and investors. Regardless of which way the markets move, millions are being made each day on the stock market. As millions of people seek alternative income streams, more and more individuals are exploring the fast-paced world of online trading.
The ability to refer others to businesses has led to hundreds of thousands becoming network referrers and earning a living building social relationships.
What’s more, thousands are creating a name for themselves and earning a stable income stream simply by referring others to award-winning trading platforms, such as CMTrading.
We’ll not help you take your first steps toward financial freedom, but we’ll also help you achieve it.
Grab your financial freedom
Even if you’re not familiar with the financial markets you can still benefit from the global economy by simply starting an Introducing Business (IB) and partnering with CMTrading.
At CMTrading Partners, our mission is to uplift and help those seeking an alternative income stream by giving them the skills and the platform to build and grow a successful business. More on this later in the article…
How to start a business
At this stage, you may be wondering where to begin. Should you work on a business name or work out whether you need starting capital? Will you need to work part-time or could this be your primary revenue stream?
It can be difficult to know the right steps to take but with the right partner, all your steps will be in the right direction.
Rather than being overwhelmed by the many decisions and tasks you have, there are some major steps you can take to get your business off the ground and on the path to success.
Follow these 5 steps to business success:
1. Conduct a self-assessment
Before refining your potential business, it’s best to take stock of yourself, your skills, and your current situation.
Ask yourself the following:
Why do you want to start a business? (i.e Is it money, freedom, flexibility, etc)
What are your skills? (i.e Great networker, have an existing business network)
What industries or sectors are you familiar with?
What do you like to do?
How much capital do you have to risk?
Will it be a full-time or a part-time venture?
Your answers to these types of questions will help you narrow your focus and refine your business plan.
2. Conduct market research
Once you’ve completed your self-assessment, it’s time to conduct market research. The more you know about a particular industry the more likely you are to succeed. Who will buy into your services? Who are your competitors? Who can you potentially partner with?
This process will help you identify opportunities, the potential market, and the competition.
There are several ways you can conduct research:
Read up on the industry
Speak to people already working in your target industry
Research key people and companies
Read news and industry magazines
Take a course or online class
3. Create a business plan
No company can survive without a good business plan. Having a business plan will help you figure out important details such as how are you going to finance your company and what you will need to make your business profitable.
A roadmap for success
In the simplest terms, a business plan is creating a roadmap (i.e goals) to help you chart your progress. It will outline the things you need and the steps to take to reach your goals. Will you need training or education? Perhaps you need an office down the line? Where do you want to be financially in six months?
Fortunately, CMTrading Partners will not only help you achieve financial freedom but guide you every step of the way.
More from CMTrading Partners:
Why business referrers are the future of business
Networking – your key to business success
Unlock your full potential: Invest in yourself
Register and start an Introducing Business (IB) with CMTrading
Becoming an IB is an easy and exciting way to earn money – simply refer traders to CMTrading and let us do all the work! In return for referring clients to CMTrading, our IBs will receive a favorable commission.
So go ahead, start referring clients and earn money when they trade. It’s that simple!